We hope you all had a nice Chinese New Year. It's so great to see all the kids back from what felt like a super long break! Today marks the first day of our blogpost (yes, we are getting with the times!) so stay tuned for our weekly updates!

This week, the children in the Butterfly Room gave each other chocolates and flowers to celebrate Valentine’s Day. We learned a new song called ‘Skidamarink - I love you!’ and made bracelets using colourful heart-shaped beads for our loved ones. Happy Valentine’s Day!

These two have been super busy the whole morning building this comprehensive Paw Patrol structure! It is fully equipped with a lookout tower and a landing area for the hover-boards. They obviously thought this through! We absolutely love it when children use their imagination and work together as a team to create something awesome!

We had a pretty good game of basketball this week! The weather was lovely - the kids got to practice their bouncing and catching skills. They also enjoyed slam-dunking!
Before we sign off, we would just like to remind everyone that we have an active Facebook Page and we invite you to check it out if you haven’t already done so. We update photos from our fieldtrips/nature walks, Busy Buddies programmes and daily activities. We also upload useful information/articles/parenting tips that align with our philosophy on Mondays a.k.a Brainfood Mondays. Find us @MulberryTreeHK.
Mulberry Tree