Hello there! We hope you are all enjoying your Winter Break! Here is a recap of what we did last week:
So where do we begin? We had an incredibly busy week last week - we made delicious gingerbread men, arts and crafts and had a fruitful Winter Potluck to end the year with. It's been a great year here at Mulberry Tree and we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all their love and support. Here are some pictures to share :)

As part of our weekly reflection, Ella read the book 'The Gingerbread Man' (of course!) during meeting time and the kids were pleasingly engaged with their hands up to answer questions. Apart from having endless open-ended activities out for the kids to do during free play, we also made colourful paper chains to decorate our classroom with.

The kids in the Butterfly class continue to practice their Chinese reading through meaningful books. They enjoyed telling each other about their favourite toys and games.

Energy-boosting snacks with good nutritional value are important for a child’s overall development which is why for this month’s Coffee Talk Morning, we called upon our community to share some of their prized picnic recipes with the rest of us. We had a ton of fun making and snacking on veggies & dips, muffins and sushi. Thanks for the informative session Mums. We hope to see less processed foods in our next picnic!

Hope you enjoyed these!
For those of you who are coming to our Christmas Barbecue - YEY! We can't wait to see everyone - It's going to be lots of fun!
Happy Holidays!
Mulberry Tree!