Hi there!
On the 10th of July, 2019, we (the whole Mulberry Tree family) headed out to the beautiful Hong Kong Wetland Park which turned out to be a great idea considering the unstable weather. The venue provided us with a wonderful way to share our love for nature as well as celebrate friendships that were made during the school year. And to top if all off, the children got to experience these precious moments with their families!
In the morning, we explored the wetlands before filling up our grumbling little tummies with a nice picnic lunch. The indoor exhibition halls were absolutely amazing and the fun swamp adventure playground made for an excellent shelter, too! We were happy to see lots of smiles and happy faces all around despite the pouring rain!
It truly is a nice feeling to be surrounded by a community that treasures nature. Having said that, we would like to give a big thanks to all families who took their time to join us on this great day! Here are some pictures:

This Friday, some of our students celebrated their birthdays. The kids were delighted to get their hands on some delicious (and healthy!) birthday treats! Each celebrant was presented with their own personalised powerpoint and birthday card showcasing pictures from when they were born and their developmental milestones. Happy Birthday!

The kids from the Butterfly room enjoyed reading Peppa Pig's 'Happy Birthday, Mummy!' - they loved blowing out the interactive candles!

Can you tell what these children have made in the blocks zone?

It’s a ‘catcar’ from the show ‘PJ Masks’ - these kids are using their creativity, social skills and expressive language to create an imaginative story! And according to their story, they are going to a restaurant in Tai Po to rescue people!
P.S. they also learnt that two semi-circles make a circle for the steering wheel! How cool is that?
Before we sign off, please be reminded that next Monday is our Parents' Day and children to not need to attend school that day. Kindly come at the time designated on your Parents' Day schedule.
Thanks and have a great weekend!
Mulberry Tree