Last week's STEM class was all about WIND.
We read a book pertaining to our theme and naturally, a lot of questions were brought to mind. We discussed questions like "Can we see it or feel it?", "Can wind be used to move things?" etc. To explore some of these mind-boggling questions, we conducted simple but fun experiments with the children to understand different types of air movements. Of course, we talked about typhoons and how to stay safe during a typhoon...what better way to do that than to make these colourful typhoons jars! Can you think of other ways we use wind?

As part of our Mid-Autumn celebration last week, the Butterfly students continued to go deeper into their learning about this much-awaited festival. We even looked into the different phases of the Moon using the blocks from our very own block corner! Then, we watched a video about the different things people like to do during Mid-Autumn festival and shared some of our own experiences with our friends in class. What are some of your family's traditions?

Milly taught us a special Md-Autumn Festival song during Music class and as we sang the song, we had to pass a pomelo around the Moon! It was fun and exciting! Can you tell who is pretending to be the Moon?

The Caterpillar/Cocoon class made wonderful snowy mooncakes using traditional mooncake moulds. Look at how intricate some of these designs are! We also got our hands sticky and icky as we decorated our own paper lanterns to take home to our family and friends. Look, they even light up!

We will be starting a new unit this week about the 'Environment' - for the next two weeks, please bring in your recyclables from home e.g. yoghurt cups, egg cartoons, glass jars, water bottles etc. For hygiene reasons, please remember to wash them before you send them in.
Hope you all had a great time moon-gazing with your family and friends over the weekend! Have a great week ahead!
Mulberry Tree