We hope you all had a fuuuuuuuuun-tastic long weekend and that all the Mothers' got spoiled rotten by their little ones!
We had yet another fruitful week at Mulberry Tree...here's what we did at school last week!
The younger kids from the Cocoon/Caterpillar class went to Kadoorie farm in Tai Po to have a look at all the animals that live there. We saw beautiful pink flamingoes, a few pigs, Lulu the (once) stray cat and a barking deer! Not to mention all the exotic plants that are growing in the greenhouse. The field trip ended with a lovely picnic with our friends and family!

The children from the Butterfly room talked about their families using their 'Family' book as part of our Mother's Day theme. We made colourful Mother's Day cards for our mamas to show them our love and appreciation! It's always exciting for our kids to experience the whole process of posting something special - from making its content, to sticking their own address (and stamp!) onto the envelope to walking over to the post office! By now, Butterfly mummies should have all received their child's card in the mail! Have you received yours? How did your child react? Please share some pictures with us on StoryPark!

We implemented the test-teach-test idea in the Butterfly classroom last week by having a tray of rice (an estimation activity) in the 'Maths Zone' and observing what the children were going to do with it! It doesn't come as a surprise that the children got the rice EVERYWHERE! They were all very excited to get their hands in the rice that the completely forgot about the one-person-per-tray rule! This doesn't stop us nor does it scare us - incidents like these give us (the facilitators) the opportunity to discuss our expectations so that they don't happen again! As we say here at Mulberry Tree, there's always room for learning and that is exactly what they did... they learned from their own mistakes!

Love, care and empathy are three of the many values we teach our children at Mulberry Tree and we are so glad to see that our children are incorporating such values into their everyday activities! Here are a few examples of some random acts of kindness:

In this picture, the girl in the ponytail is offering to hold the boy's (on the balance beam) hand seeing that he was scared to walk on the balance beam by himself. How observant is she? It's so nice to see our children cheer on for their friends - sometimes all we need is a little nudge to overcome our doubts!

Crying and refusing to go home at the end of a busy school day, an older boy (standing) stops to help the younger boy out with his shoes and socks. In this picture, he is encouraging the younger boy to quickly get ready for home time so that he can see his Mum! How thoughtful!
If you don't already know... our Summer Camp information is now open for enrolment. Please visit www.mulberrytree.com.hk or contact admin for more information.
Have a fantastic week everyone!
Mulberry Tree