Dear Parents,
It's been a great week back at school- thanks to the nice and cool weather, the children have been able to spend more time outdoors despite the heavy rain last Monday.
We got in a new batch of materials for our mud kitchen including funnels, beaters and washable paint for the children to mix colours with. Don't be surprised if your child comes home with soggy socks and a muddy shirt -as we like to say here at Mulberry Tree "It's all part of the learning process!".
The children are getting better adjusted to our school routine including the 'new normal' and by that, we mean getting their temperatures checked, hands washed etc. Let's remain vigilant in our fight against Covid-19!
We will have our Open House on the 24th of October and would love it if parents could offer their time to help on this day. If you're able to volunteer (for even part of the day), please let us know and we will send you more details.
We hope you enjoy our weekly-wrap up!
Mulberry Tree