Hi there everyone!
Mulberry Tree facilitators had an EXTRA busy week upgrading not only the outdoor play area but also our classroom learning zones.
In the few months to come, expect to see more playground structures - thanks to our very own, Uncle Marnick! First on the list is our outdoor acrylic easel which is located in our mud kitchen area! Can’t wait to have the kids try it out this week. If you have any ideas for playground projects, send them in and we’ll see what we can do!

We got some bits and bobs for our loose parts corner last week . The kids will be able to get even more creative with their loose parts projects whilst they work on their pincer grasp/ fine motor skills. Look at all that heavy lifting!

This week, the Butterfly class went to Fanling to visit the Environmental Protection Centre to learn about different kinds of pollution e.g noise pollution. They also got to look at a solar-powered fan cap! How awesome is that? Renewable energy at its finest!

Join us in welcoming Luke Daniel Wightman into this world. Weighing in at 9lbs 3oz, Ella gave birth to a bouncing baby boy on the 11th of September, 2019. So many happy and wonder-filled times ahead for everyone…congratulations Ella and family!

Before we sign off, we just want to remind parents to take extra health precautions to ensure good hygiene and more importantly, to prevent the spread of Hand, Foot & Mouth disease. Please remember to wash your hands regularly and do NOT send your child to school if you suspect that he/she HFM and/or has a fever. Please inform us immediately so that we can make proper announcements on StoryPark regarding school closure (should this need to happen).
Have a nice week ahead and enjoy the beautiful weather!
Mulberry Tree