Hello there everybody!
We got to explore our senses a lot this week! We started the week off by exploring our sense of taste; we munched on delicious mulberries from our very own mulberry tree in the garden. The kids had a great time examining the size, colour and texture of each mulberry. Judging by the photos, everyone had mixed opinions about them!

This week, we stayed in instead of going out on our usual field trips. Wally, the guide dog visited our school and showed us what he does best! To guide the blind! Trada, showed us how Wally helps her manage everyday tasks like crossing the road, navigating through crowded spaces etc. We also used a blindfold to see what it was like to not be able to see and rely on our other senses - it's tougher than we think! Thanks to guide dogs like Wally who make the lives of the blind a whole lot easier! What a memorable experience it was for all of us!

Where's Wally? Oh he's here! Having a bit of a rest!

Even Harry had a role to play in yesterday's activity! Do you think Harry will make a good guide dog?

Caterpillar/Cocoon kids got to recognise the first letter of their names in braille! How cool is that?
The kids in the Butterfly class have been super creative with their block-building in the loose parts corner! It's so nice to see our children work together towards a common goal. Here the kids are building a dental clinic and can you guess what those long blocks are for?

Answer: They are railway tracks, of course!
Before we sign off, we just want to remind you that our Spring Fair is next week and we are looking forward to seeing you all there! Remember to bring your own bag to put your shopping in!
We are still looking for volunteers
- to set-up/man our booths
- to serve as safety ambassadors
- to make baked goods
We also would appreciate more second hand items for our second hand sale which will go towards Pathfinders, a charity that support immigrants, refugees, domestic workers and their children (http://www.pathfinders.org.hk/public/). Any help will be appreciated!
Have a nice long holiday! Remember not to come to school tomorrow (5/4) as it's a public holiday!
Mulberry Tree