Welcome back!
Last Monday, we had the honour of having the principal and teachers of Education University of Hong Kong Early Childhood Learning Centre (or ECLC in Tai Po) come over to gain insight on our philosophy as well as our classroom set-up. As you may already know, the environment acts as our 'third teacher' and thus, plays a large role in our teaching philosophy as we connect the indoors with the outdoors. Thank you for visiting us and we hope to see you again!

This week, the children from the Butterfly class made a big shopping list before going to Tai Wo Market on foot to make our fruit purchase. We learned how to count (quantity), recognise (and write!) numbers as well as understand the value of money. We bought apples, oranges, bananas, mangoes and pears to share and we read the book ‘分果果’ during our Chinese meeting.

The Cocoon/Caterpillar class went on a nature field trip this week! As Autumn sets in, we were able to see leaves of all colours, shapes and sizes! We explored a nearby park and came across some of nature's wonders - a tiny frog, a pretty moth and shiny blue nuthatches. We had a great time taking in what nature has to offer right before our eyes!

Some of the kids from the Caterpillar/Cocoon class got to snuggle with our classroom guinea pigs this week. Look at how much love and care they have for them! Awww.

A big shoutout to our August and September birthday celebrants! We enjoyed looking at all your photos from when you were little! It's amazing to see how much you have grown! Thank you for bringing in all the delicious goodies to share with everyone! Happy Birthday and may all your wishes come true!